Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Same location

Here is one from the same location as my last post, just take from the other end of the garden and with a different subject. I am just loving this spot!

Here is one more of Savannah, who I photographed at 3 months and then this time at 1 year. I love how it shows off her blue eyes and her cute expression!

There were a ton of cute ones of Savannah in many different locations around the park, and several cute outfits. You will just have to log on to my ordering system to see, since I couldn't post them all here.

1 comment:

Christina Edwards said...

Hey Kristin! My name is Christina, Janina sent me a link to your site! (I'm Janina's little brother's fiance) You have lovely work. I look foward to reading your blog! :]