Friday, August 31, 2007

3 Month Old Savannah

I am taking a break from the party preparations for my Daughter's first birthday party to post some of my favorite images from little Savannah's session. This was one of my 3 sessions from last weekend. Savannah was great, we were able to get some great sleeping shots that I normally get for newborn pictures.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Mikayla & Isaac

I just had this session this evening and am already blogging it. I have two more sessions this weekend and don't know when I will get around to blogging because we are so busy preparing for my daughter's one year birthday party.

Mikayla is 11 days old and her older brother Issac is 3. We didn't get to do any of the two of them together, we are going to try that at a later date. Mikayla and my daughter Kyndal weighed the same when they were born, 7 lbs 12 ounces. I can't believe my almost 1 year old was that tiny, she is over 20 pounds now. I used to work with their Daddy Mark when I was still working full time. Thanks Grace and Mark for having me over to take pictures of your little ones. You have a beautiful family.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The yawn

I just love pictures of babies yawning. I found this gem while proofing my newborn session.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's August....

I haven't posted in a little while, guess I have had a few weeks off from sessions. This August heat is keeping people inside and those wanting outdoor sessions have decided to wait until cooler weather.

Here is some recent stuff from my newborn session yesterday.

This is Rowan. I met her Mommy and Daddy when they came for a maternity session. Rowan is only 9 days old in these photos. Such a sweet baby girl.

Not sure if I like this one in black & white or color.